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TBA Men's Club Awards

Federation of Jewish Men's Club (FJMC) Quality Club Award - 2022/2023 (third year in a row we won this award.)  This award is given to Men's Clubs who demonstrate that they have met specified criteria, brought programs to enhance both the temple and the Jewish community, to support religious services, to promote men’s involvement in Jewish life, and to support the FJMC. 

Federation of Jewish Men's Club Torch Awards (recent awards) - for excellence in programming given biannually.

2023 Silver Award for Joint Programming - "The Holy Temple LEGO Model- A Unique Experience"
2023 Bronze Award for Educational Programming - "Virtual Jewish Experience Around The World"
2021 Gold Award for Joint Programming - "Shirei Tikvah V'Ahavah: Songs of Hope and Love"
2021 Bronze Award for Educational Programming -"Unpacking Antisemitism: How Can We Confront Antisemites"

Temple Beth Amh's 2023-2024 Federation of Jewish Men's Club Regional Man of the Year and Youth of the Year - This years TBA honorees are: Richard Robinson, Man of the Year and Nate Sandler, Youth of the Year.  Please see flyer in the events section below for details on the celebratory brunch.





Our members are the foundation of our club.  Membership not only gives you perks like our annual Paid Up Dinner, and Club Sukkah events (this year is Pizza in the Hut), but also is what empowers us to remain a vital arm of Temple Beth Ahm, supporting TBA and bringing amazing programs to our community. Our programs bring our congregation, and the Jewish community at large together.  Some of our programs are focused on the men in our congregation. Others are open.  Please see below some of the upcoming programs.  Don't miss out! We need your support, your ideas and your involvement.

To join please send a check made out to "Temple Beth Ahm Men's Club" to the temple office.

Upcoming Events







Men's Club T Shirt

Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785